2010年3月18日 星期四

Close Away

You have the determination to be away, away from the lights and noises. But you never go too far. The pulses you radiate are so faint yet clear, they are everywhere in the air that I breathe. Always have you stayed close enough for me to feel your presence.

I am dwelling in the lights and noises where you have abandoned. I am residing with the madness of time while you calmly glimpse and smile at from an away land. I am seeing reflections of myself in people's eyes as I pass them, and am wondering: where are you able to reflect yourself? Is it a clear stream in the mountain, is it a tranquil lake, or, as usual, you only reflect yourself deep in your mind? I am missing you. I missing the philosophical eyes of yours. Even though you are only close away. Even though those faint pulses can be felt everywhere I destined to go.

You are close away, so close yet away. I can feel you, but I can't reach you. I am lost in this dizzying maze where each one of us is just another performer on the stage, even though I have been given a well-defined role. I see my reflections in other people's eyes. I see myself being envious of your vision and courage. I see myself being the opposite of you. The opposition is not complete but slight. It is pulling me close to you, close but away.

I am not expecting your return. I am not expecting you to tenderize me as you used to. I am not expecting my enlightenment due to you. With all those said, I choose to follow my script instead of breaking out. At least, I can feel your presence around me. I can grasp on those faint pulses. If I break out of my role, I will lose you, forever.So I rather surround myself with you, even though you are only close away.

